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Whatever things you ask 
when you pray, believe that 
you receive them, and you
will have them

If you are looking for a Prayer Ministry that believes and acts upon the Word of God, please join the “When Women Pray.”
Facebook group. 

MARK 11:24

Are You An Overcomer Woman?

I would love to share the book I had the honor of co-authoring with you! 
The book, entitled ‘I Am An Overcomer Woman,’ is written to provide encouragement and inspiration to women of God. If you’d like a copy, simply enter your name and email address in the space below, and I’ll send it straight to your inbox!


My Ministry Is Rooted In Prayer

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I have been a Born-Again, Holy Spirit-filled Believer since the tender age of 12 and at the age of 14, I preached my very first sermon at Freedom Life Ministries.  I currently serve as a Local Preacher and the Founder/Director of the “RENEWED” Women’s Ministry at Mount Zion Church in Montgomery, AL.  I am ever so passionate about living my life for Almighty God. I love adding value and making a difference in the lives of others through preaching and teaching the Word of God.

At the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic on 12 March 2020, God laid it upon my heart to start the “When Women Pray Prayer Ministry.”  Yes, I am an Intercessor and I LOVE Praying for the needs of others. 

Just recently, God has called me to be “That Prayer Girl."
It means the world to me that Almighty God has chosen me to intercede on behalf of His Sons and Daughters.


God has commissioned “That Prayer Girl” to minister to the needs of His people through Prayer, Fasting, Teaching, and Preaching the Word of God.  


For prayer is our lifeline for daily living!  James 5:16B decrees “The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.”  “That Prayer Girl” prays daily for God’s Sons and Daughters.


Please join me for Prayer every 1st Saturday at 7:00 A.M. CST beginning on January 1, 2022.  Additional information will be forthcoming.  If you desire prayer, enter your request below.  Please know that your information and requests remain confidential.  


Love You oh so Dearly, “That Prayer Girl!”

Helping each other develop a personal relationship with God.
We teach that prayer is a lifestyle! God commands us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT) to, ‘Never stop praying’.
Guiding and encouraging women to fast, pray, read, study, and obey the Word of God.

How Can I Pray For You?


Thanks for submitting! I'll respond very soon.


We believe that when women pray, 
great things happen!

When Women Pray meets every Monday at 7:00 P.M. CST on ZOOM and within the “When Women Pray” Facebook Community.

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