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I am an intercessor, encourager, and empowerer for business &
faith-based leaders

I'm Mary Ann, and I help leaders, organizations, ministries, and women in Christ through speaking, coaching, leadership training, facilitation, and mentorship.

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I have 26+ years of experience in financial management, accounting, budget, auditing, and cost in both public and private sectors.  I currently serve as a Financial Manager supporting U.S. citizens where I hold Levels I, II, and III Certifications in Business and Financial Management, and a Level II Certification in DoD Financial Management.  


Additionally, I earned a Master of Science in Human Resources Management from Troy University and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Faulkner University in Montgomery, AL.  

Currently, I am pursuing training in Biblical Studies through Mount Zion Church, where I serve as a Local Preacher.

When I’m not working or serving, I enjoy spending time with the Apple of My Eye, (and I am the Apple of his Eye!), my husband, Mr. Darryll Brown. Although we do not have any children, we take pride in spoiling each other and loving on our nieces and nephews.

  • “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

PSALM 119:105

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You, for lighting our paths with Your Word!

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Sandra Sutton

Mary Ann Brown has been an exceptional co-worker and mentor to me.  Her work ethics, communication, and leadership skills are impeccable! 


As the leader and facilitator for the John Maxwell’s Change Your World Transformation Table,” much self-evaluation was afforded during each lesson which enabled me to become a better person. 


Also, being a part of the “When Women Pray Prayer Ministry” founded by Mary Ann has afforded me great opportunities to grow spiritually.

Others Have Said

Sundra Courtland

When someone takes the time out of their already busy lifestyles and pours into your life, it speaks volumes. I am grateful to be an acquaintance of and having been mentored by Mrs. Mary Brown.

I have seen her juggle life quite well, all while being a wife and a minister of God’s Word.


She is a great mentor to other ladies who are seeking to cultivate their assignments in ministry. She always has a listening ear and is ready to give Godly counsel. She is very efficient, detail-oriented, and extremely competent. As a Minister of God’s Word, she has an excellent rapport with people of all ages. I am constantly growing in life and I am grateful to have Mrs. Brown helping me to align my life with my purpose.

Marcelene Katrina Lewis

I recently celebrated my one year’s healing from a double Breast Cancer diagnosis.  This journey has been one I shall never forget because of the outpouring of love I experienced.


I thank God every day for “When Women Pray!”  From day one of learning of my diagnosis, these sisters embraced me with agape love and have consistently encouraged me and fervently prayed for/with me for total healing, my peace in the storm, and that my faith is strengthened and increased in this season. 


Thank you, my beautiful sisters and prayer partners!!  I love you!!!

Here's What I Believe

I BELIEVE wholeheartedly in the Power of Almighty God and His Word.

I BELIEVE that God’s Word and His Power transform the total person:  mind, body, soul, and spirit.

I BELIEVE we are created in God’s Image unto His Likeness to do Great Works in His Name!

I BELIEVE Prayer combined with Faith transforms lives and shakes the Heavens, which yields powerful, positive outcomes.

I BELIEVE laughter is good for the soul and I am known for my contagious SMILE and a squeaky giggle that will tickle your socks off!

I BELIEVE Love conquerors all, it covers a multitude of sin, and it casts out all fear.  I therefore Love people for who they are. Whatever I can do to help, to make their load lighter, and/or to make a difference in their lives, I will try my best to exceed their expectations.

If you are looking for a facilitator for group workshops, seminars, corporate training in leadership, speaking, or coaching skills for your leaders, or a speaker for your next event, I am readily available to serve you and your organization as well as move you and your organization in the desired direction to reach your Goals and Objectives.

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Inquire about my newest book, ‘I Am An Overcomer Woman.'

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That Prayer Girl

Based in Montgomery, AL

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